Garburator Dos And Don’ts: Best Practices For Optimal Performance

March 15, 2024


Garburators, also known as garbage disposals, are invaluable appliances in many kitchens. It helps to keep food waste out of landfills, reduce carbon emissions, and prevent those dreaded kitchen bin odours.

However, to ensure your garburator remains a trusty ally in waste management, it’s crucial to understand the dos and don’ts of its operation.

While having a garburator is convenient, knowing what you can and can’t feed into it is crucial for maintaining its longevity and efficiency. If you’ve ever faced the problem of a clogged or malfunctioning unit, you know that what goes into it matters. That’s when you need professional plumbing services.

Let’s explore how to maintain your garburator, tips to keep it running smoothly, and strategies to prevent common issues.

How Garburators Work?

A garburator comprises a motor-powered spinning disc with sharp blades. When activated, these blades shred food waste, allowing it to flow effortlessly through the plumbing system.

Proper garburator maintenance involves regular cleaning and occasional professional servicing to ensure smooth operation.

Dos For Optimal Garburator Performance

Regular Maintenance

Regular garburator maintenance is key to preventing costly repairs and prolonging its lifespan. This includes cleaning the unit, checking for leaks, and ensuring all components are in good condition. Hiring an affordable plumber in Calgary for routine inspections can save you time and money in the long run.

Run Cold Water

When using the garburator, always run cold water to aid in waste disposal. Cold water helps solidify fats and oils, preventing them from coating the blades and causing clogs. Additionally, running water while the unit is in operation helps flush the waste down the drain efficiently.

Use Moderation

To avoid overloading the garburator, feed food waste into it gradually and in small quantities. This prevents strain on the motor and ensures smooth grinding.

Remember to dispose of large items like bones or fruit pits separately, as they can damage the unit if not ground properly.

Grinding Hard Materials

Garburators are designed to handle hard materials like small bones and fruit pits. These items can help clean the unit by scraping away residue and buildup on the blades.

However, it’s essential to use moderation and avoid overwhelming the unit with too many hard materials at once.

Don’ts For Garburators

Avoid Fibrous Foods

Fibrous foods such as celery, corn husks, and onion skins should never be put down the garburator. These items can wrap around the blades and cause clogs, leading to costly garburator maintenance and repairs. Instead, dispose of fibrous waste in the compost or trash bin.

No Grease Or Oil

Pouring grease or oil down the garburator can lead to clogs and foul odours. As these substances solidify, they can coat the blades and impede their movement. It’s best to collect grease and oil in a container and dispose of it properly in the trash.

No Chemicals

Chemical drain cleaners are harmful to garburators and should be avoided at all costs. These harsh chemicals can corrode the unit’s components and cause irreversible damage. Instead, opt for natural methods or seek professional assistance for stubborn clogs.

Don’t Overload

Overloading the garburator with excessive food waste can strain the motor and lead to premature wear and tear. To prevent this, feed waste into the unit gradually and avoid pushing large quantities down the drain at once. When in doubt, dispose of excess waste in the trash.

Common Issues With Garburators

Despite proper care and usage, garburators may encounter common issues over time. These include clogging, foul odours, and motor failure. It’s essential to address these issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the unit’s continued functionality.

Whenever you notice any change in your unit, ask a professional garburator maintenance service for help.

Tips For Troubleshooting

Unclogging The Garburator

If your garburator becomes clogged, there are several steps you can take to resolve the issue. Start by turning off the unit and using a plunger or plumbing snake to dislodge the blockage. Avoid using chemical drain cleaners, as they can damage the unit’s components.


To combat foul odours emanating from the garburator, try running a mixture of ice cubes and citrus peels through the unit. This will help clean and deodorize the blades, leaving your kitchen smelling fresh and clean.

Motor Repair

If the garburator’s motor fails, it may need to be repaired or replaced by a professional plumber. Attempting to fix the motor yourself can cause further damage and void any existing warranties. Contact an affordable plumber in Calgary for expert assistance with garburator repairs.

About Us

At Jack’d Up Plumbing, we’re dedicated to providing top-notch plumbing services to the residents of Calgary, Alberta, and surrounding areas. With years of experience in the industry, our team of skilled professionals is committed to delivering exceptional results and exceeding our customers’ expectations.

Contact us today, and let us take care of all your plumbing needs.