Emergency Plumbing Preparedness: Winter Edition

September 28, 2023


Winter can be a beautiful season, with its glistening snow and cozy nights by the fire. However, it can also bring its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to plumbing. Frozen pipes burst water heaters, and clogged drains can quickly turn your winter wonderland into a plumbing nightmare. But fear not!

As a professional plumbing contractor, we are here to help you out. With a robust emergency plumbing preparedness plan designed specifically for winter, you can sidestep these problems.

In this blog, we will guide you through emergency plumbing preparedness for the winter season. We’ll provide you with practical tips and insights to ensure your home stays warm, dry, and hassle-free during the chilly months.

Why Should You Prioritize Emergency Plumbing Preparedness In Winter?

Winter brings unique challenges to your home’s plumbing system. Cold temperatures can cause pipes to freeze and burst, while snow and ice can block vents and intake lines, leading to backups and overflows. Additionally, increased usage due to holiday guests and seasonal activities can put extra strain on your plumbing system.

Failing to prepare for these eventualities can result in costly repairs, water damage, and even health hazards. By being proactive and taking steps towards emergency plumbing preparedness, you can avoid such scenarios and enjoy peace of mind throughout the winter season.

Winter Plumbing Emergencies And Preventive Measures

The cold temperatures of winter can lead to several plumbing problems. Some of the most common ones are:

Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are a common issue during the winter. When water inside a pipe freezes, it expands, causing the pipe to crack or break. This can lead to significant water damage and expensive repairs. To prevent frozen pipes:

  • Insulate exposed pipes in unheated areas like garages, basements, and crawlspaces.
  • Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses and shut off the water supply to outdoor faucets.
  • Seal any leaks or cracks in your plumbing system, as they can allow cold air to reach vulnerable pipes.
  • Let cold water drip from the faucet served by exposed pipes, as running water is less likely to freeze.

If you encounter any intricate problems, reach out to a skilled plumbing contractor before the situation deteriorates further.

Leaky Faucets

Leaky faucets can become more problematic during the winter, especially if located in an area exposed to cold temperatures. A leaky faucet can turn into a frozen faucet, making it difficult to turn on and off and potentially causing water damage. To prevent leaky faucets:

  • Check all faucets for leaks and repair them promptly.
  • Consider replacing old or worn-out faucets with new ones designed for colder climates.
  • If a faucet does freeze, turn off the water supply and let it thaw slowly; do not try to force it open.

If you encounter a significant issue, it’s advisable to enlist the services of a professional faucet repair service.

Backups And Overflows

Backups and overflows can occur when snow and ice block vents and intake lines. To prevent this:

  • Clear snow and debris from roof vent stacks, chimneys, and dryer vents.
  • Make sure downspouts extend at least 3 feet away from the foundation and are clear of debris.
  • Install gutter guards to prevent leaves and debris from clogging gutters and downspouts.
  • Consider installing a sump pump backup system to protect against power outages and flooding.

If the issue persists, get help from an experienced plumbing contractor.

Water Heater

Your water heater works overtime during the winter to provide you with hot water. Ensure it’s in good working condition by flushing it regularly and setting the temperature to 120°F (49°C).

Regularly flushing your water heater helps remove sediment buildup, which can reduce its efficiency and lifespan. To prevent this:

  • You can do this yourself by attaching a hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the heater and allowing water to flow out until it runs clear.
  • Additionally, check the temperature setting on your water heater. It’s recommended to set it to 120°F (49°C) to prevent scalding while still providing hot water.
  • This temperature also helps reduce energy consumption, saving you money on your utility bills.

Also Read: Plumbing Maintenance 101

How To Find Affordable Plumbing Contractors In Calgary

Before winter sets in, it’s a good idea to have a reliable plumbing contractor on speed dial. You never know when you might need their services, and having a trusted professional ready to assist you can bring you peace of mind.

Finding the right plumbing contractor can make all the difference when you’re facing a plumbing crisis. Start by asking friends, family, and neighbours for recommendations. Word-of-mouth referrals are often a reliable way to find trustworthy professionals who have a track record of excellent service.

When searching for plumbing contractors, affordability is essential. You want a plumber who can provide quality service without breaking the bank.

Once you have a list of potential plumbers, do your research. Check online reviews and ratings to get a sense of their reputation. Look for contractors who are licensed and insured, as this ensures they meet the necessary standards and can provide coverage in case of accidents or damage during repairs.

About Us

Jack’d Up Plumbing is a prominent plumbing company based in Calgary, Alberta. We specialize in preventing plumbing system failures, offering installation and repair services for both residential and commercial plumbing, and conducting thorough inspections and maintenance for your plumbing and heating systems.

For any plumbing-related queries, get in touch with us now.